I violated one of the cardinal rules of juice feasting today....not really my fault, but the choice I made wasn't absolutely necessary, it was just facilitated by being hungry. I was out afterwork, til nearly 7 pm. Normally I am home by 5. I had been out of juice for at least 3 hours....so got quite hungry. We were buying Dakota a new bike, plus I got mine fixed. Came home, made dinner, had some lemonade drink already made....but that fruit tart that I bought to celebrate my birthday with was calling my name....so I had a piece. Could be worse, but I am feeling it. It is making me tired.....and I will have to fight off stronger desires to eat for a while. But I will do it. This will be just a hiccup in my juice feast. I can do it and I will. I did sign up for the support from Juice Feasting website and joined one of the Global Juice Feasting forums. (the Summer Juice Feasters).
So that should help....but ultimately it's all up to me. My green juice today was good, and my lemonade drink was as well...I diluted it majorly. It was way too strong. And took some oregano oil capsules and some Primal Defense tablets to help bring down my candida levels (esp since I had that fruit tart) Dreaming of making a raw one...
So, I am most definitely in the Boredom phase, and I need to try harder....to get past it successfully. I was down a pound when I woke up this morning, but I imagine I will have gained a little tomorrow. Tomorrow is Master Cleanse day as is Friday. Easy days. Well, fellow juice feasters, onward and upward. And all encouragements etc. are most welcome!
Ciao bellas!
Today I had
Double fiber drink (Dr. Natura's Colonix Fiber mixed with Blessed Herbs Ginger Toxin Absorber in 16 oz of water with stevia)
2 quarts of green juice....parsley, dandelion greens, kale, broccoli, carrots, apples, oranges. Forgot I have fresh spinach to juice.
1/8th of a fruit tart....it was good, but my husband was funny, he said he didn't think it was all that good, and that I haven't been eating for so long, that even burnt toast would taste good. And he told me that I am now on day zero...not day 12...but he is wrong on both counts.
1 quart blueberry nectarine, orange lime lemonade with maple syrup and raw honey with bee pollen and royal jelly in it...diluted quite a bit...(it needed to be....)
2 Gaia Oregano oil capsules
6 Primal Defense

by bama spirit
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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