I think fasting, and juice feasting (which is not fasting at all...) are very magical....they produce these magical synchronicities, which only increase the longer you do them. And they heighten your awareness, raise your frequency, so that you are able to feel and perceive so much more than before. You know what is going to happen before it happens, and you get all of these little in sync things happening that are just like the universe is giving you a wink....saying, yes, you've got it! My days are starting to be like that....and whenever I am tempted or craving a bite of something solid, I remind myself of that, of the wonderful magic that is happening, and I just stop. Because I love this magic...and I plan on having alot of it in my life from now on.
So...today...got up between 8:30 and 9am...and started cleaning my room. I have wanted to do it for a while now, so today...I did. I went through everything in my closet, found clothes that I had forgotten I had, went through all of my drawers, and sorted it all out, throwing away old socks and stockings that have holes, putting in a pile for Salvation Army the things I know I won't wear, and putting into another pile all of the clothes that I won't need til next winter. Then I bagged them all up, stashed one bag in the back of my closet, one went in the car to be dropped off and the other, along with several smaller bags of 'junk', papers, etc. went into the trash bin. Cleaned off the top of my dresser while I was at it, and pulled it out so I could retrieve some things that had fallen behind, like my favorite little chinese bowl...little as in about the size of a half dollar...with red floral design, and a print of a woman looking into a mirror and seeing herself as a coyote woman that my sister gave me on my 50th birthday. Love both those things. Also got a wet cloth and cleaned off all of the dust, of which there was a ton. I am so bad at dusting...basically never do it. So next thing I have to do is dust off the bookshelves which have some wicker bowls, ceramic bowls, skulls, coyote gourds, dried ears of blue corn that my dad grew for me from some seed I got from San Idelfonso pueblo in New Mexico. Need to dust all that, and vacuum, and one room will be done.
We are having some company this month, so I need to clean like a madwoman and get it looking good. It's not bad, but it has a bit of clutter and lots of things that need dusting. It is clean, just cluttered. It took me nearly 3 hours just to do what I did this morning, 3 hours without any juice, only a bit of water....as I was curious to see if I would weight less in 3 hours without taking anything in, than I did after I woke up and had a lovely bowel movement. I was down another pound...hurrah. Bike riding helps so much. But, alas, my body doesn't grant me any boons for not feeding it. At first I was feeling hungry and weak, but that passed and mostly I was quite fine. Definitely hungry by the time I did get downstairs to make some juice.
So...( a word I know I overuse) I juiced this cantelope that I had, it had a few bad spots as I have had it for a while, but mostly it was fine, and the juice was very very good....it had just a bit of carrot in it as I had to use a couple to push the melon through, but it only needed a bit of pushing through as mostly it went in just fine...not alot of backup....but pushing the plunger down through that back up can be like flushing the clogged toilet. You watch the liquid rise, and hope it doesn't overflow. Most of the time you are lucky.
Cantelope juice, about 24 ounces, and it didn't feel too sweet to my body, then I made a green juice, with a full bunch of cilantro, the mixed braising greens (lots) dandelion greens, some kale, 1 stalk of broccoli complete with head, most of a head of celery...which had grown all into one thick stalk about 2/3's of the way down, which was fine, actually made for more celery to juice, the last of my carrots, a decent enough amount, and 3 granny smith apples. Another yummy, slightly tart juice.
Wanted to take a good bike ride today, and we did. There is this loop, actually 2, a longer one and a shorter one, that was posted along the bike path with signs and painted arrows. We did the shorter one, but it was still somewhere inbetween 14 and 15 miles....and plenty of uphill. At the end I walked up a couple of the steeper hills, but mostly I did very well, and had my bike in the hardest gear for most of the time. We went over hill and dale, around pond and under roads, through a cattle pasture, lots of momma cows and youngun's getting bigger....still small enough to seem like calves...but more the equivalent of an 8 yr old human as opposed to toddlers or kindergarteners. Cute sort of, but yech! there are way too many cows on this planet.
Was riding our bikes for a little over 2 hours...oh was I saddlesore by the end. ouch. Then we went to the grocery story and headed for home. WF's had lots of good things to sample, cherries (not organic), breads, cheeses, chocolate somethings....needless to say, I had none, but I did have a sample of some organic sparkling cider...needed something to raise my bloodsugar levels, and my green juice just wasn't it. Saved the last bit for later. It's chilling in the freezer now, about time to take it out. Came home and made some orange juice. The boys made yummy smoothies with plain kefir, some strawberries and ripe bananas. It was so good...I had to lick out the food processor...I don't think that little cheat really will hurt.
Taking a break, writing this post, and soon, time to make another green juice and dinner. Dinner tonight is pesto...yum yum, will look forward to eating that after my juice feast. It's so lovely that pesto is raw. Missing my wonderful salads....oh, definitely time to juice. It is soooo good to be juicing. I love it, and I love it that my husband supports me in it. It's just the cat that is the problem.
(just kidding...my kitty is lovely and fine, beautiful and sweet and rarely a problem.) I lecture him about not fighting when he is out (which is limited but he takes advantage) and he is neutered, but he is also Siamese.....long soft hair, chocolate points, china blue eyes....Desert Sky we call him. I will have to post a picture. He is a gift....fated to be ours, to be mine.
Do you believe in magic? If you juice feast, you most definitely will!
love to all
Ciao bellas!

by bama spirit
Sunday, June 1, 2008
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