Got up today around 6:30 am, should have gotten up about 15 minutes earlier. I was awake, and the closer it got to 6:30 the sleepier I became...I have noticed that that is my biorhythym. That I have a sleep cycle that comes on around 6:30 am....if I don't sleep right through it. Got up, did the usual morning was less than expected, that's okay, the good shit will come. Weight loss....1/2 pound. I am happy as long as it continues south. Took a nice long bike ride yesterday, that always produces good results, and I didn't even have 4 quarts of juice yesterday...anyhoo...silly to obsess about weight, but I do so want to be thin. Not have this pillow that ages me. I want everyone to think I am still in my 30's.....which is entirely possible if I keep up this magic. And that brings me to the title of today's post. Self-Sabotage.
First juice of the morning was cantelope. About 24 ounces again (ie one average melon). I drank that, didn't seem very hungry for it which surprised me....usually really wanting the juice in the am. So, took my time drinking that, and also took 8 Primal Defense tablets....and postponed taking my fiber drink until later. I have everything I need for it at my office, so got that in around 9:30...and didn't start on my green juice until around 10. I had to consciously make myself drink it! Which got me to thinking about self-sabotage, as if you let yourself get too far behind with the juice, ie too hungry, you are in a dangerous zone....could fall off the path. And I was in a funny mood about it too. Almost not wanting to do it...and I said to myself....whoa now, this is not the direction you want to go in. So I googled self-sabotage and found a website that had some good things about it, that there are 4 main causes, low self-esteem, lack of self-love, lack of self-confidence and oh, I forget, and finding that website again is impossible. I forget what exactly I googled to bring up that website...and there are a gazillion websites on that topic.
Just doing that little bit of research got me back on track, and I have also decided to order Angela's book on Raw Emotions. I have read many good things about it, and know that it will be truly helpful.
So, here at work, drinking my green juice (same old same old) and doing alright. Nothing that a good enema wouldn't fix, but can't exactly do one here at the office. eeww. later gators....on the lookout for more juicy cantelopes. I really like having the cantelope juice, and with the little bit of carrot that is in is such a beautiful color!! And I really like the taste, sweet, but not too....refreshing!
Ciao bellas!
ps...since Traditionally, to say goodbye in Italian (or most gender specific languages) the masculine form is used to mean everyone, I am using the feminine form....but I mean everyone!It's good for women to assert themselves and not allow the men to overrule, run over everything.
They rule most goverments, make most of the rules everyone lives by, are the main ones in charge of the destruction of this planet. We, aid and abet them (literally) by buying into their madness. Buying their products. It's time for an alternate way, an alternate economy. And don't fight them, just don't join them!!! Stop shopping at WalMart, etc. Stop buying Agri-business' non-food, tortured food, poisoned food. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but I am just so into this right now, at this very moment....need to follow this....
Support your local economy!!! Maybe a title of my next blog. love to all.

by bama spirit
Monday, June 2, 2008
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