The best laid plans often go astray. Yesterday was to have been the easy, no cheat day, then events conspired (and I conspired against myself) for it not to be. I conspired against myself by finding a website with lots of yummy recipes, and made myself very hungry looking and copying the ones that I found to be especially good. I was looking for something special to make for a hike were are doing with some friends tomorrow....and got carried away. So made myself very hungry, even though I had very good juice yesterday. and ate 6 shortbread girlscout cookies. Bad Bad Bad..And my juice was especially yummy...made with the ususal plus lots of dandelion greens and granny smith apples for a wonderful flavor, but I still felt hungry silly me. I used to ignore that feeling. Today's juice is the same only I used half granny smith and half fuji....and added daikon back in after seeing it work it's magic on the beasties inside. There was a clump of 'spaghetti' in the toilet...could only be critters. Dead critters now. So made sure to remember the daikon today, along with lots more dandelion greens......
Second event which totally threw me off track was a wonderous encounter with a male ringnecked pheasant, a youngish one I think. I was driving home on the small back road, and saw it in the middle of the road. I slowed down, honked at it, stopped and opened my door to shoo it away, but it was in a I pulled over and parked my car on the side of the road, and gently picked it up. It was in a state of shock, obviously from a close encounter with a vehicle, but otherwise had no sign of injury. Another woman had also stopped, and she helped me put it in my van. I was initially thinking to put it in a box or something, but it has the longest longest tail feathers so that was not possible, and probably for the best. Instead I just set it gently on the back seat, and drove home. My husband was there, as well as our realtor. I told them I have a pheasant in my car and I need to take it to the Humane Society. They came out, tried to take a look but the windows are tinted so the view isn't that great, plus the bird was feeling better and getting a bit jumpy. So I drove off, the bird was very quiet while I drove, went to the Humane Society,to see what they thought.......they weren't sure, but after I told them how long it was, went and got a large dog carrier to put it in. We went out, they decided it probably was wild, and as it was starting to seem like it was okay, said it would be best to release it back where it had been found. Since that was out by where I live, and needed to go, I said I would do it. So, we put the bird in the carrier (it let me pick it up, this time with some vocalization, but still fairly calm) we put it in the dog carrier and I drove it to the exact spot where I had found it, took it off the road aways, to an area with lots of brush and tall grass and opened the carrier. The bird looked around for a few seconds and then shot off into the brush. It was such a beautiful beautiful bird, I was thrilled to have had the opportunity to hold it, to see it up close, and equally thrilled that it wasn't seriously injured and got to go back home. That gave me a wonderful high which I still feel.......what an interesting week for bird encounters. Since my evening was taken over by this event and I still had chorus to get to, juicing for dinner just wasn't possible so I had an avocado with the salsa I had made (oh it was so good!) along with some white corn chips for my dinner. Not such a bad dinner. Had a bit more when I got home, which I didn't exactly need, but oh it was so yum!
Today is back to juice....and the 64 million dollar question is....can I stay committed and strong to only juice?
I think I can, if I make myself a fruit juice treat as soon as I get home. Mind over matter. I can do it!
I want to talk about colon and liver health in one of my next posts....signs of sluggish tired liver, as well as how to heal, restore the liver and colon to health and why it is so imperative to do so if you want to stay healthy and have energy, and not get the typical diseases that befall us as we continue on into the second half century of our lives.
ciao bellas!

by bama spirit
Friday, March 16, 2007
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