Today is the second day of my 92 day juice feast. At home I have written the numbers 92,91,90 etc. on the calendar and am drawing a large X through them as I move onto the next day. I like that way of counting things down. I also made some little purple post-its marked 13 on down, as the juice feast is 13 weeks plus one day. These I am going to put on the wall....and remove as each week is done. I had very little trouble with the feasting yesterday. A few momentary hunger pangs, and I did have one item not on the juice feast menu, which was the last 4 small squares of some dark chocolate. Needed a bit to carry me over as I had been eating so much of it the previous two days. I don't have any today, though I know where I can find some, but I doubt I will have any. If I feel the need for an energy lift, I have some hoodia capsules that have green tea and theobromine in them which I just open up and wash down. That will do the trick and be less of a disturbance to my system. I finished off yesterday with 32 oz of red grapefruit juice, followed by a green juice made from apples, carrots and a whole head of romaine lettuce.
I had chorus last night, so was rushing around to get my juice made, feed the cat, get my music together, and at the last minute remembered my hemp oil, so opened the bottle, and had a few large gulps. Probably more than 2 tablespoons, and I don't recommend this method at all, but I didn't want to wait til 10pm to have it, so just did it.
It was fine, the flavor is not unlike chewing on cannibis seeds.....which can be very tasty. My stomach did have a slight issue with it, but it was more of a raised eyebrow type of reaction which quickly passed. The red grapefruit juice was delicious, but it seemed to irritate my bladder. Not surprising, as I have candida, and one of the places it has found it's way to is my bladder. Candida is a scourge, and I have dealt with it for over 25 years. I am fine mostly, but it has also found it's way to my kidneys and I will occasionally have awful aching kidneys, but it's not an 'infection' so no fever, just that awful aching that makes it impossible to sleep and robs my energy. Luckily I figured out that it was candida causing this so for me, taking Primal Defense tablets takes care of it. Unlucky thing is that it happened to me for the first time on a special trip to San Francisco with my husband and really kind of ruined the trip as I was crabby and irritable and tired nearly the whole time. (Not to mention in serious discomfort.) I have taken weeks of very high amounts of threelac....and while it is beneficial, it has not seriously fazed the candida that is in my system. So, hoping to just crowd it out by doing this juice feast and taking lots of probiotics, and other good things to encourage the good bacteria to prevail. get to the theme of today's blog. I drove to work today I realized I was sad. Sad I think because my body is in flux, it is changing because of the juicing, and sad, because I am sad. Sad with good reason. I was having a discussion about the mess being made of the world, and I was lamenting the fact that those with money and power don't want to do what is right, what is good for everyone and the planet. She was saying what is right is subjective, which it is, but I was arguing that there are certain things that are just truths, unarguable, but she said truth was also subjective, and while I see her point, I don't entirely agree. These people just cannot possibly think that their selfish actions are for anyone's good, except possibly their own. Destroying another country, lying about why you are doing it, ruining people's lives, in horrific ways, this cannot be justified. Destroying the electric car...the oil companies pushed to do this, these kinds of things cannot be justified. While I cannot write that they are 'wrong' (for some reason, though I really would like to say that they are so totally completely wrong actions), I am coming to the place where I know the futility of judging anything....anything at all....I am trying to get the big picture here, be at one with the universe. Just be. in the Jimi Hendrix song which goes (I believe.....) something like this....'drifting.....on a sea of forgotten tear drops...." It is a beautiful song, one which I have listenened to many many times. I first heard it when I was in college....I had bought the album and played it everyday for weeks on end. It is still one of my favorites. The album with his head and large hair on the cover......
My juice today is nearly 90 ounces of parsley, kale, a whole head of celery, (still don't know why it's needed, but will heed and obey), 8 small pinklady apples, around 3 pounds of carrots, 2 tangelos, and a med smallish zucchini. All mixed together it tastes delicious....and as I drink it my body goes ah.....relaxing and tensing at the same time. The tensing will ease as my body gets cleaner.
I brought up the topic of peak oil with my husband, and as I knew, he does know quite a bit about it, has read quite a few books on it, he is a professor of sociology, so he is up on these types of falls in his area of interest (environmental justice, and other similar issues). I told him what I thought, about selling the house, etc and he wasn't opposed. He didn't say we should do it, but he definitely agrees with the need to seriously think about it. That makes me feel somewhat better. So good to be in agreement on this. So...I would love to pretty up my blog, but I am an absolute novice at this, and haven't the time at the moment to play around with it. If you are reading this and have any tips, I'd love to hear them.
ciao bellas!

by bama spirit
Friday, March 2, 2007
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