Today is the 5th day of my juice feast!!! It is going quite well. I did have a little slip on day 2 as it was my husband's birthday and I ate a small small slice of his cake. But no more. I am very proud of myself, as last night we went to some friend's for dinner, they wanted to do something for Liam in honor of his birthday, and they went all out, making a Mexican meal. They made yummy looking fresh guacamole along with freshly fried corn tortilla chips, then there were hand made taquitos, (chicken,rolled up in a corn tortilla and fried), and a delicious looking marinated chicken dish, they had marinated the chicken thighs overnight in a ton of garlic and a bit of salt, then cooked them in olive oil and red wine vinegar with marjoram and oregano and cut up potatoes. While I would rather not eat like that, I can still appreciate it's deliciousness (though I think I may have passed on the taquitos). For dessert there was a lucious looking lemon cake with lemon curd in the middle and on top and cream cheese icing around the sides. I had the teeniest taste of the lemon curd. Very lemony and delicious. But overall, I was not at all tempted by the food. I was enjoying the wonderful aromas, and the whole cooking show, but I had my juice, and really did not desire to eat anything. I was curious about the guacamole as I love a good guacamole, and of course, the cake was lovely, but I know if I had eaten any of it I would have been very displeased with myself. I have started adding dandelion greens to my juices.....and they do indeed work on the liver, and until the liver releases everything they prompt it to, one tends to feel a bit 'liverish' or irritable. On my way to work, I definitely got into high liverishness....not as bad as sometimes, but just impatient with slow drivers, baby drivers, with the traffic in is rather intense getting to work, I really should just relax and go with the flow, I do tell myself that every day, and some days I can do that, but today was definitely not one of them. I probably sent my blood pressure up 20 points. Will have to relax...but I did put alot of dandelion in my juice this morning. I didn't sleep great again, more kidney aching. sigh. I have to figure out which thing it is that is causing this as usually I don't get it. Apples and carrots don't seem to cause it, it may be the pears. Even though they are still quite green, it could be that the type of fructose they have is one that wakes up the beast. Something is and I hope I figure it out soon as I need my sleep. This too is making me irritable. I just received the most wonderful reply from a woman I emailed about her raw foods bus-y-ness. She is teaching classes, giving talks etc. And she was very helpful and open to sharing all about what she is doing etc. Her situation is different than mine, she has more time and money but that doesn't mean I couldn't do it too...just have to take it a little slower. One thing I'd like to find out from her is if she has gotten any type of certifications. I have many raw cook books, and have David Wolfes Sunfood Diet System as well as other books, plus have fasted, cleansed, and studied this type of thing for years and years, so I feel somewhat qualified in the area of raw foods and after this fast I think I will be even more so. Not that it is the same as eating a raw diet, but I just don't see myself going back to cooked foods. I don't want to......I want this to be the end. Trying to think of ways to make yummy equivalents to things like lemon cake, etc. I am sure it;s not that hard. But I can't eat raw agave really makes me feel like my body has taken quite a hit when I eat it. Not sure why. Probably another candida mystery. Who knows. So very happy to be here on Day 5, I do think the time will just fly by. I did have 2 scoops of my Tonic Alchemy greens, felt I probably could use them. I also had 2 scoops of fiber in lots of water yesterday, and then took an Ultra Colon Clenz herbal laxative capsule before I went to bed last night, which resulted in a nice big poo this morning. So, must do that everyday. Very beneficial, and if I do that, then I won't need to do enemas. I went to the library yesterday and got 6-7 books on the upcoming financial collapse...due to peak oil. I have Jarad Diamond's book "Collapse"... and some others that looked very good including one by James Howard Kunstler, which was specifically recommended to me by the local group where I live that is looking at the same scenario. Their focus is more community concerned, which is good, but if individuals can't survive it, the community can't either. We need to support our local businesses and come together, but we also need to have the resources to take care of our basic needs, such as shelter, food, transportation etc. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet, but can't wait to do so. There is also a film being shown this coming Friday evening, and a workshop on Saturday. Liam wants to go to Santa Fe, but I am hoping he can be pursuaded to postpone the trip. Have been having possibly light detox symptoms but overall feeling great. I know I would be feeling even better if my kidneys were not acting up. I did take some more Yeast Fighters which may be helping, I definitely felt them working on other candida hotspot areas (my sinuses). I am going to get more Primal Defense today as I know that definitely takes care of it and hope that if I leave pears out of my juice I no longer have this issue. This mornings juice has lots of parsley, fair bit of kale, large head of celery, lots of dandelion greens, 6-8 small apples, lots of carrots and an orange and a tangelo. Very tasty and balanced. And now I have to pee. Have an awesome day.
ciao bellas

by bama spirit
Monday, March 5, 2007
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