
by bama spirit
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Working It
7 days is a decent fast. Also went to hear Bill McKibben speak last night...he has a book out called Deep Economy....about what is happening and going to be happening.....and learned about a citizen action sponsored by his group...Step It Up....ie step up what we are doing to reverse global warming...unless it's okay that sealevel rises 25 ft...polar bears have no place to live, large mountains have no snow, all glaciers melt out of existence etc.
Think of all coastal cities being under water. Please google...stepitup2007.org....and find an action in your area...APRIL 14th....fun things...but serious things...need to get our government moving on this. (Not to mention ourselves......)
ciao bellas
ps Bill McKibben has written many excellent books......check them out.....and support your local independent bookstore!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Welcome Shift
til the morning...
ciao bellas!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
If at first you don't succeed
But this here, is far from over. So I don't do 13 weeks and a day...I can still do 10 weeks and 2 days.....okay, stop laughing at me. I can do it!!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Starting over
So, I ate that plus half an avocado with salsa and chips, and then one pita pizza and a med bowl of Clifford Crunch. I sometimes feel I should be a purist, as I really am into raw, but I am never going to be. I may on occasion eat some meat, still eat some dairy, still eat some cooked foods. I know myself. I will. But for now, I am recommitted to juice feasting. I know I have not done well with it recently, but I also know that if I feel hungry, all I need to do is ignore it, it will go away. If I feel temptation, just put the 30 minute rule into effect. See how I feel in 30 minutes. I want to give the juice feasting a go for many reasons. Getting healthier, losing weight, and seeing something through. Even if I have not been 100% with it, doing all of this juicing has definitely changed me. I have lost weight and kept it off (7 pounds), when I do eat, I don't want or need as much. And the more I do it, the more I want to do it. My body wants and needs it. Which is not to say I will be able to do a 92 day stretch. I am not on a beach in a warm climate, sans kids, etc. However, I know others with more in their lives than I have done it....so...I will give no excuses for my lapses. None needed. I am also changed in my awareness, my consciousness. Much more aware of how rough I have gotten around the edges.....trying to bring myself to a state of grace where I am always happy with my actions. While I am sometimes dismayed with myself, mostly I am just so grateful to be on this journey. I am learning so much.
ciao bellas
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Me Against Me
time for bed.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Magic in the Air
Second event which totally threw me off track was a wonderous encounter with a male ringnecked pheasant, a youngish one I think. I was driving home on the small back road, and saw it in the middle of the road. I slowed down, honked at it, stopped and opened my door to shoo it away, but it was in a daze....so I pulled over and parked my car on the side of the road, and gently picked it up. It was in a state of shock, obviously from a close encounter with a vehicle, but otherwise had no sign of injury. Another woman had also stopped, and she helped me put it in my van. I was initially thinking to put it in a box or something, but it has the longest longest tail feathers so that was not possible, and probably for the best. Instead I just set it gently on the back seat, and drove home. My husband was there, as well as our realtor. I told them I have a pheasant in my car and I need to take it to the Humane Society. They came out, tried to take a look but the windows are tinted so the view isn't that great, plus the bird was feeling better and getting a bit jumpy. So I drove off, the bird was very quiet while I drove, went to the Humane Society,to see what they thought.......they weren't sure, but after I told them how long it was, went and got a large dog carrier to put it in. We went out, they decided it probably was wild, and as it was starting to seem like it was okay, said it would be best to release it back where it had been found. Since that was out by where I live, and needed to go, I said I would do it. So, we put the bird in the carrier (it let me pick it up, this time with some vocalization, but still fairly calm) we put it in the dog carrier and I drove it to the exact spot where I had found it, took it off the road aways, to an area with lots of brush and tall grass and opened the carrier. The bird looked around for a few seconds and then shot off into the brush. It was such a beautiful beautiful bird, I was thrilled to have had the opportunity to hold it, to see it up close, and equally thrilled that it wasn't seriously injured and got to go back home. That gave me a wonderful high which I still feel.......what an interesting week for bird encounters. Since my evening was taken over by this event and I still had chorus to get to, juicing for dinner just wasn't possible so I had an avocado with the salsa I had made (oh it was so good!) along with some white corn chips for my dinner. Not such a bad dinner. Had a bit more when I got home, which I didn't exactly need, but oh it was so yum!
Today is back to juice....and the 64 million dollar question is....can I stay committed and strong to only juice?
I think I can, if I make myself a fruit juice treat as soon as I get home. Mind over matter. I can do it!
I want to talk about colon and liver health in one of my next posts....signs of sluggish tired liver, as well as how to heal, restore the liver and colon to health and why it is so imperative to do so if you want to stay healthy and have energy, and not get the typical diseases that befall us as we continue on into the second half century of our lives.
ciao bellas!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Welcome to all the potential new gardening community friends!
You are getting this email because you have expressed interest in our Sunday afternoon garden “Happenings”. Here is more information about them, as they are evolving:
Initially conceived as an opportunity for advanced and hands-on training in gardening and food production technology, the group has morphed into somewhat of a ‘village’ concept of gardening, grounded in a few locations
We start off with a potluck at
This is so great!!!!!
blessings to all
ciao bellas!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ebb and Flow
There is a lovely blog online... rawketscience.blogspot.com I love this blog. Lots of wonderful things shared there. Here, all you get is me, and some nice photos......I would love to give you more,...have to work on that. My cooking spree has given me the idea of bartering my cooking for services, goods. I am quite a good cook...I love to do it, and have really gotten into the flow of it. I can come up with something yummy and creative with almost any ingredients......just whatever is lying around, and recipes don't throw me at all....I don't sweat doing them exact..I use them for ideas, for a jumping off point. Some obviously need to be followed more closely than others and I love love love fresh food..fresh veggies...fresh fruits. We have in the house right now, pears, kiwi, mango, apples, bananas, lovely red bell peppers, lacinato kale, parsley, cilantro, red onions, yellow onions, garlic, avocados, carrots, yukon gold potatoes, rice milk, dairy fresh whole milk, butter, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, raspberry vinegar, pine nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, dried sour cherries, frozen apricots and raspberries, bought fresh and organic last summer,grated reggiano parmesan cheese, laura chenel goat cheese, irish cheddar cheese, pepperjack cheese, roma tomatoes, couscous, tortillas, sourdough bread, whole wheat bread, pita bread, hummus, raw tahini, miso, earth salt (it's pink), fresh ground black pepper, old bay seasoning, nutritional yeast, raisins, currents, red lentils, green lentils, butternut squash, daikon root, celery, cucumber, broccoli, dried chipotle chilies, ginger root, nama shoyu,mayo, horseradish mustard, canned tuna, baked chicken breasts in mediterranean sauce, baked turkey tenderloin (my husband and boys are currently meat eaters....me I will still eat a little....) cocoa powder, raw cocoa nibs, almond extract, vanilla extract, raw honey, raw agave nectar, dried cane juice sugar, brown sugar, eggs, whole and white spelt flour, oats, brown rice, jasmine rice, all kinds of spices, salsa, white corn chips, blue corn chips and on and on....99% of all foodstuffs in our house are organic, .I love having all of this stuff and more. It's magically delicious!! And of course I have lots of cookbooks, Rawsome by Brigitte Mars, Real Food Real World by Sarma Mellingelis and Matthew Kenny, Living Cuisine by Renee Loux Underkoffler, the new Gourmet cookbook, Joy of Cooking, Fit for Life Cookbook, Moosewood, Field of Greens, Tassajara, and quite a few others. My new favorite is Matthew Kenny's Mediterranean Cooking....got it from the library, really need to buy my own copy....as I love almost every recipe in there. Also like Jeremy Saffron's raw cookbook......have from the library also....and lots of printed out raw recipes I find online.........no wonder I find it hard not to cheat...I do love food......good food....
Today's juice is parsley, kale, celery, beet, daikon, carrot, broccoli, apple. It's quite good, not too anything.
And on that lovely note I will say ciao bella per oggi.....and promise you I will not cheat today. Promise myself.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Juice Glorious Juice
ciao bellas
Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring has Sprung!*!*!*!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Poo Wonderful Poo or...Until I Went (met) Poo
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Daikon Radish
I have started putting daikon radish in my juice. This is very brave of me as I don't really like the taste of radish, but I know that other creatures, those hiding inside of you nasty beasty creatures, ie parasites, really don't like it either. I will tell you a story. A true story of what happened a couple of years ago after I got my juicer and started making juice with daikon in it. Daikon radishes are kind of cool, they look like giant carrots that have been attacked by Bunnicula...all the color drained as they are white. I had been on Dr. Natura's colon cleanse which is not a fasting cleanse but an eat well, take the daily fiber along with anti-parasite capsules and senna tea, everyday for 2-3 months or more. I was nearing the end of my second month of this, and while the colon cleansing results were just great, I hadn't seen anything remotely like a parasite (and on the website people report seeing them in the first month). So, I was thinking, either I don't have any or they are too small to see. But near the end of my second month of this, I got a new juicer, my Greenstar 1000 (which I love) so was juicing everyday, and was doing daikon in my juice everyday. After about 5 days or so of this, I felt a wierd faloomp in my stomach...not painful but it felt like something in there had turned a big somersault. OK....there was nothing much after that, but two days later...omg.
There it was...the beastie itself, the one that had caused that wierd sensation, it was 15-18 inches long, half inch wide, flat, whitish, dead. A tapeworm. Ai yi yi! Whoever would have thought. So, wow. And I am just your average eats well, have eaten well for all my life (save a love for sweets) person. So it is true. We all have parasites. Everyone. It is just a fact of life. Your cat has them your dog, your horse....all living creatures have them. So taking anti-beastie herbs etcetera is definitely a good thing to do occasionally. I am gearing up to do an all out attack on them, as I am sure there are more of those beasties in me. What will I use? I have some great antiparasite capsules from Mt. Capra....Caprasite...I will take those as directed and have the daikon in my juice as that was the thing that finally drove that big beastie over the edge....that wierd feeling was it's death throe...interesting. So...I will keep you posted (whether you like or not) as to when I start this all out assault (maybe I have already started it) and what the results are. I have a whole large bag of daikon root which I need to use up...and the Caprasite...so what better time...and trust me....I am just as reluctant about this whole affair as you are....but it must be done.
I am looking good, though still having minor kidney issues so going to take the Primal Defense regularly for a while, as I wake up still a bit tired and with some circles under my eyes, but not too bad..I was just in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror...expected to look tired or something as I had been sitting at my desk for a good half hour ignoring a desperate need to pee....which is a stressor and was feeling it a bit...but it's not reflected in my face. My face is looking clear, bright, good. On my good days when nothing is stressing me, I dare say I look younger again....I generally do, but last year was a tough year for that. Lots of physical and emotional stress which happily are things of the past. So, no longer making 'treat' juices, though last night I made a smoothie of frozen raspberries, fresh banana and oranges with a bit of canned pineapple to balance the tartness of the oranges and raspberries, and water , so and had a bit. I did strain it first...and it was yum. Then I went back to my regular juice....a balance of greens and fruit. Dinner for the family was a repeat of last nights, the raw hummus etc. only with a fresh guacamole instead of the carrot soup. It was a yummy guacamole with lots of chopped cilantro in it, some finely chopped red onion, fresh tomato, lemon juice and a bit of Pace Mild Chunky Salsa to give it that something extra. It was very very good....would love to have done more than licked it off of my fingers. I am so happy that the kids really like the raw hummus. Even snuck some sunflower sprouts into their pitas. I used the hummus and rice and some avo and cucumber to make a nori roll of sorts for my husband. It was okay if a bit soft, and I haven't figured out how to get the nori not to be all rubbery. I have untoasted nori sheets, so toasted one on the stove to see if that would help. I think I am just getting them too wet. I did spread the hummus on first instead of the rice. Will experiment with these. Also need to get a bamboo rolling mat so they come out better. Renee Loux Underkoffler, (now just Renee Loux) has some great recipes for these and other yummy raw foods in her Living Cuisine cookbook. I have a nice assortment of raw cook books, Rawsome by Brigitte Mars, Real World, Real Food by Sarma Melengilis and Matthew Kenny, Living Cuisine by Renee, and possibly another not sure..also collecting whatever good looking recipes I find online. I love making these raw things for my family and can't wait til I am eating again so I can enjoy them for myself.
Enjoy the day!
ciao bellas
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Sweet juice vs Green juice
ciao bellas
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Celereee Celera Celereee Celera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
fruity love light and laughter to y'all
ciao bellas
Monday, March 5, 2007
ciao bellas
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Mango Bliss
Today is the 4th day of my juice feasting. Yesterday went well, and I treated myself to a yummy orange, carrot, lemon and ginger juice while we were out, then came home and made a juice of all fruit. It was one large mango, 4 large green pears, 4 valencia oranges, 4 tangelos, fresh ginger and some carrots. I strained it twice to get out excess pulp and it was so so so good. However, I have that lovely candida in my kidneys and this woke it up, so I had aching kidneys in the night and when I woke up. sigh. Not as bad as sometimes, but still bad enough. My loving husband, in an amorous mood, gave me a wonderful massage of my back and kidney area before moving on to more interesting spots. It definitely helped quite a bit, then later on when I got up I took 4 Primal Defense and 6 Yeast Fighters (twinlabs) to make sure everything stayed calmed down. It is strange how candida works as it behaves differently with different sugars. I once went through a phase where I couldn't eat honey, as it turned me into a "Momster" really and truly. I was irritable and crabby and mean and couldn't be nice no matter how aware I was of it. Until, I put a teaspoon of regular sugar in my mouth, which would act like a chemical switch and turn it off. And this, with my kidneys. Raisins also cause the kidneys to ache. Didn't used to, but they do now. And now, I can eat honey just fine, doesn't bother my kidneys or turn me into a "Momster". Luckily that phase didn't last too long. It is just typical of candida...acting in unbelievable ways, unless they happen to you. This morning's juice is parsley, asparagus, a whole head of red leaf lettuce, a smallish head of celery, some dandelion greens, a valencia orange and a tangelo, 6 small pink lady apples and lots of carrots. It is quite tasty, with the bitterness of the dandelion greens providing a nice background note to the sweetness of the carrots and fruit. I can never drink green juices without some apple in them. Makes them ever so much more palatable. I shudder when I think of others enduring the green taste without something to ameliorate their flavor. If you have wheatgrass in your green juice, then maybe it's better, but ugh. Plain greens are hard to swallow for me. I had a very successful day yesterday and expect to be fine from here on out. However, that doesn't mean that I didn't still have the desire to eat. I love to eat, I love the tastes and textures of food, so yes, I had that desire. But it was much easier to ignore. The key is to be drinking enough juice so that you aren't so hungry you can't stand it. I was definitely well sated yesterday, especially with the fruit juice. I don't know what I will do for my juice treat today, but will have to probably keep it more balanced. My body seemed to find yesterday's fruit juice too sweet for it....besides the kidney aches I just felt overall like it was too much. So today, I will have my treat but I may have greens with it. Need to get some more cucumbers and kale. Oh, just remembered that I bought some collards. Collards are amazing light and sweet to eat. Not heavy like dandelion or mustard greens. Looking forward to lambs quarter in the spring. Very good for the liver etc.
Also thinking about gardening, producing food to eat or just for pleasure. There is a wonderful family who has an organic farm that we'd love to do a CSA with, this being the first year we can afford to do so. I am also wanting to speak with them about the coming crash. I want to prepare for it. I would much rather prepare for it and find it not to be as bad as I fear, than for it to happen, and find ourselves brought down by it completely. I wish I didn't have to think like this, feel like this. It makes me very angry to think that those in 'power' have not cared to protect the planet or it's people. That they only care for themselves. I would like not to be angry, but I don't know how else to feel about this. I care. I care deeply. But I have not done much to show it. I have not fought or worked or lobbied against their callous lack of caring. I still don't know if I will, at least not in the sense of going up against them. What I am choosing to do is to withdraw from them. To get solar panels for my house, a bio-diesel car, stop shopping at their stores, buying their products, acting locally, supporting local actions and businesses and community. That seems much more productive to me. Meanwhile, I mourn the ruin of the oceans, the loss of all wildlife, wolves, tigers, field mice, all of it. Need to buy land with a large group to make a place for at least some of these......
so....light....love......beauty.....happiness.......may peace and beauty be upon you as you go through your day.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
A Piece of Cake
"A Piece of Cake". It is a book written by a woman, Cupcake Brown, about her life. She has lived more in her one lifetime than most people, hard things, but now, she has a good life. This is her story and it is very well written and very readable as she is witty and intelligent, and amazing. I loved her story and found it very inspiring, even though my life hasn't been anything close to hers. What it is I think, is just relating to the truth of it all, and to what everyone needs to do to get beyond whatever it is that is holding them back from making their dreams come true. I also just love reading people's life stories. Have since I was a child. Today's juice so far is around 75 ounces of a variation on a theme...parsley, kale, whole head of celery, half of a bunch of wonderful young organic asparagus, so would love to just gently steam it and eat it, it's lovely asparagus, but I am not eating now am I, also put in lots of apples and carrots, more kale than usual, and a whole cucumber. It is yum. Later on will have some yummy fruit juice, probably orange and tangelo, and then perhaps some more green juice. So happy that my husband is behind me all the way in this. Thank you. Thank you. peace, love and laughter to all.
Friday, March 2, 2007
I had chorus last night, so was rushing around to get my juice made, feed the cat, get my music together, and at the last minute remembered my hemp oil, so opened the bottle, and had a few large gulps. Probably more than 2 tablespoons, and I don't recommend this method at all, but I didn't want to wait til 10pm to have it, so just did it.
It was fine, the flavor is not unlike chewing on cannibis seeds.....which can be very tasty. My stomach did have a slight issue with it, but it was more of a raised eyebrow type of reaction which quickly passed. The red grapefruit juice was delicious, but it seemed to irritate my bladder. Not surprising, as I have candida, and one of the places it has found it's way to is my bladder. Candida is a scourge, and I have dealt with it for over 25 years. I am fine mostly, but it has also found it's way to my kidneys and I will occasionally have awful aching kidneys, but it's not an 'infection' so no fever, just that awful aching that makes it impossible to sleep and robs my energy. Luckily I figured out that it was candida causing this so for me, taking Primal Defense tablets takes care of it. Unlucky thing is that it happened to me for the first time on a special trip to San Francisco with my husband and really kind of ruined the trip as I was crabby and irritable and tired nearly the whole time. (Not to mention in serious discomfort.) I have taken weeks of very high amounts of threelac....and while it is beneficial, it has not seriously fazed the candida that is in my system. So, hoping to just crowd it out by doing this juice feast and taking lots of probiotics, and other good things to encourage the good bacteria to prevail. So......to get to the theme of today's blog. Drifting.......as I drove to work today I realized I was sad. Sad I think because my body is in flux, it is changing because of the juicing, and sad, because I am sad. Sad with good reason. I was having a discussion about the mess being made of the world, and I was lamenting the fact that those with money and power don't want to do what is right, what is good for everyone and the planet. She was saying what is right is subjective, which it is, but I was arguing that there are certain things that are just truths, unarguable, but she said truth was also subjective, and while I see her point, I don't entirely agree. These people just cannot possibly think that their selfish actions are for anyone's good, except possibly their own. Destroying another country, lying about why you are doing it, ruining people's lives, in horrific ways, this cannot be justified. Destroying the electric car...the oil companies pushed to do this, these kinds of things cannot be justified. While I cannot write that they are 'wrong' (for some reason, though I really would like to say that they are so totally completely wrong actions), I am coming to the place where I know the futility of judging anything....anything at all....I am trying to get the big picture here, be at one with the universe. Just be. So....Drifting.....as in the Jimi Hendrix song which goes (I believe.....) something like this....'drifting.....on a sea of forgotten tear drops...." It is a beautiful song, one which I have listenened to many many times. I first heard it when I was in college....I had bought the album and played it everyday for weeks on end. It is still one of my favorites. The album with his head and large hair on the cover......
My juice today is nearly 90 ounces of parsley, kale, a whole head of celery, (still don't know why it's needed, but will heed and obey), 8 small pinklady apples, around 3 pounds of carrots, 2 tangelos, and a med smallish zucchini. All mixed together it tastes delicious....and as I drink it my body goes ah.....relaxing and tensing at the same time. The tensing will ease as my body gets cleaner.
I brought up the topic of peak oil with my husband, and as I knew, he does know quite a bit about it, has read quite a few books on it, he is a professor of sociology, so he is up on these types of things....it falls in his area of interest (environmental justice, and other similar issues). I told him what I thought, about selling the house, etc and he wasn't opposed. He didn't say we should do it, but he definitely agrees with the need to seriously think about it. That makes me feel somewhat better. So good to be in agreement on this. So...I would love to pretty up my blog, but I am an absolute novice at this, and haven't the time at the moment to play around with it. If you are reading this and have any tips, I'd love to hear them.
ciao bellas!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Light Nourishment
So....Light Nourishment.....definitely a double entendre.....and not what I offer today. I read other blogs, they are so wonderful with spiritual words of wisdom, wise sayings, beautiful pictures. I would like my blog to contain all that.....and more....but this at least is a start. I will make it more beautiful and nourishing as I go forward.
ciao bellos!