Love is a many splendored thing.........yes it is, yes it is, yes it is. And to all those who spread love and joy, I am forever grateful, and to those who know how to love unconditionally, you are my teachers. Last night I went to a darshan/satsang/kirtan with Swami Vishwananda. It was wonderful. I am not a follower of anyone.....but I do love to be around those who love to spread love and joy. And he is one....I will admit to having a bit of an issue with all of the praises being sung to only male deities.....but that is where he comes from....a male centered world/teaching, but love and joy are the main things he I go for that.
Love. I have a dream to make a compilation of all of the wonderful songs I love that are about love. There are so many good ones of all make a huge compilation and have it played on a local radio station on Valentine's Day. I wouldn't be happy til they played it exclusively 24/7 but for that I would have to own the station....hmmm...
I read something recently...basically a set of rules for having a blog...and one of the things that was on the list was not to just blog about yourself. I realize my life is not nearly as interesting to others as it is to me....and I admire and would love to emulate those whose blogs are so full of great things....but I just have no idea where they get their photos, info, etc. or how to put links into my blog, etc. Now I realize it is not that hard to do, but to even have the time it takes to figure it all out..........makes me think they are all cyber geniuses or they have way too much time on their hands.
My diet has been a mixture of good and bad....the bad being sweets, organic ruffles, (not truffles), and just cooked food in general. But I have seen that obsessing about it does not I am just taking each day as it comes and making a concerted effort to get more live food into my day. Like today. um, yeah. Like today. Which had more cooked food than not. But what did I have that was raw....some blueberries. That's about it. Also had some Master Cleanse that raw? Made with maple syrup, so only partially raw. Had a bean burrito for dinner, canned beans with onions, bell pepper cooked in, and raw tomato added in, with cheese and salsa. And blue corn chips. And half of a Dagoba Chai chocolate bar...good but almost too sweet....and a handful of peanut m&m's....and a Dreyer's fruit pop with vanilla ice cream center....and a handful of roasted salted cocktail peanuts.....this is what I eat when I try and do the Master Cleanse. Can't seem to fast right now....not sure why. So...tomorrow I will stop kidding myself and just try and eat well. Apples and blueberries and salad with carrots, broccoli, tomato, pine nuts, a smattering of parmegiano reggiano cheese with Seeds of Change Greek Feta dressing. And for my carb fix...I will just not give in. No bread, no sweets, no carbs outside of raw foods. Will just have to put the kabosh on carb cravings with my Oil of Oregano capsules and my Primal Defense tablets and my Grapefruit seed extract tablets and liquid.
I will be 100% (okay 96.4%) raw......before the summer ends. That is my goal. So what steps do I need to take to achieve this? Make each day a bit more raw than the day before, use my raw uncook books to make more raw recipes.....fall in love with raw. It's all so luscious.....

by bama spirit
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cut My Hair/Food/Birthing Babies
I cut my hair this morning. It was getting a bit too far past my shoulders for me, and now it's a bit too far above them.......but I did a good job of cutting it. It needed some touch up tonight as I could see the underneath hair was sticking I took care of that and now, technically it looks great. However, I will like it better when it grows out a bit.
Had a fairly decent day today foodwise.......still not great but I wasn't overeating or secretly eating chocolate bunnie grahams, peanut M&M's etc. like yesterday. I brought lemonade to work......didn't drink any of it til almost 3pm......did eat 1/2 of a Dagoba dark chocolate bar, 1 or 2 small peppermint 'lifesavers', but no bad snacks from the kitchen. Drank about 16-20 oz of raspberry blueberry lemonade, in the late afternoon, then came home, made burgers, tater tots and salad for dinner......didn't eat anything before dinner.....except for a couple of tater tots right before dinner....also made another rhubarb of the boys had a friend thought it would be a nice treat, as well as a good way to use up the extra cut up rhubarb that was sitting in the fridge. Put 6 cups of rhubarb in the pie, so had to double the sugar 'custard', made the crust with sunflower oil, but added about 3 tbsp of butter to it also....the crust turned out well, the 'custard' either was still too warm when I cut the pie, as it was a bit runny, or it needed to be baked a bit longer. I did bake it for over an hour.....I think it was just too warm. The sugar 'custard' gathered at the bottom, creating areas that were way too sweet, but overall the pie was very good...will have to think how to make it work out better next time. I like having a very full pie, with the extra 'fruit' in great to double up the fruit in apple and cherry pies, but with rhubarb it's a bit trickier.
So had a burger, a few tater tots, a decent bit of mixed greens salad, a slice of pie with some vanilla ice cream...and that was it for today. That and the chocolate...but still, not happy with myself. This is not 'bad' eating for 'sad' eating, but it is not what I want to do...and I was doing so well, and now have pretty much lost all progress made. Silly silly me. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Good things. Green things, liquid things, raw things.
Up late tonight, it's after midnight, wanting to enjoy the full moon before it's too far gone, up because of sugar and chocolate......the night owl. I down loaded some new tiger pictures at work today, I love tigers. Esp. bengal tigers.......they look so cool......found some really great now have a new background on my computer at work, and new photos to add to emails.
I have been reading a few books..."The Future of Food" or "The End of Food"....anyways...a real eye opener and something that motivates me to work on our garden and compost as the world is so messed up in regards to food production, water usage, etc. and it is only going to get worse. I didn't realize that before the 1900's many countries went through regular periods of mass stavation and deaths, and that the average lifespan was maybe 40 years, the average height was barely 5 ft, average weight 134 pounds....for a man. And that many people were so weak from hunger they couldn't do anything. Not even go for a walk. Populations would outgrow food supply......and when food supply increased, population did also, so food supply levels were actually the same or worse. many factors needed for a successful many ways it could fail. Also lack of meat, and variety of foods made for poor health. I remember when my oldest son was born, my first, I went to Steve Gaskin's farm in Tennessee....where Ina Mae Gaskin lived.......and the source for the book "Spiritual Midwifery" which was my pregnancy bible. I loved reading all the stories in there, the wealth of information there was on pregancy and childbirth.....and I wrote and got permission to come there to have my baby.
It was early spring....March, when I arrived, 6 weeks before my due date, and I was very surprised at how little they had to eat. No fresh veggies, except maybe some kale and sweet potatoes that had overwintered, no broccoli, lettuce, carrots, celery.....nothing like that. No apples, bananas, oranges, nothing, no peanut butter.........their flour was white flour as it was less expensive, and they had some bran you could mix back in..... I bought some groceries for myself from town as I couldn't get by on what little they had ( and needed to carry my own weight)...and I was shocked that they would eat white flour, and white sugar, that their big treat was to get together enough ingredients to make brownies. In retrospect I understand it all, but at the time I guess I was expecting a type of utopia. Found reality instead.
Great place to have a baby.......they were great....I am glad I went there....after that I thought I would just have my next baby by myself, under a tree......outdoors. Didn't quite happen that way (I had high blood pressure, a bit of pre-eclampsia, so birth was in a hospital) but I had my husband with me 24/7 while I was there, and we didn't let our baby out of our sight, so they didn't get to give him a Vit K shot (he didn't need one) or a Hep B vacination shot (what an awful thing to do to a newborn....) or anything like that. They didn't get to whisk him away in the middle of the night, my husband carried him when they wanted to check his vitals, and we kept him with us. When we got home, I bathed him in filtered water....couldn't stand the thought of bathing him in tap water.........that lasted for several months....til he was too big to fit in his baby bath tub. Used Weleda Calendula Cream on his bottom the entire time he wore his duck butt cloth diapers....I say duck butt as they were so bulky that's what it looked like.....a duck butt...and he was a wetter.......needed 3 diapers on with 2 pairs of plastic pants at night. But the calendula cream, which had a wonderful floral smell, kept his bottom soft and smooth and free of irriation.......awesome stuff. last baby was born at a birthing center, with only the he came too quickly for her assistant to arrive.........almost was born in the car......less than 1 hour from first sign of labor (my water broke) to his arrival. That was short, and intense...mostly fine, but we did miss having more time to emotionally integrate it all. Felt like we missed most of that movie. lol. But he was/is a sweet happy boy...22 months younger than his brother.....and that was also a bit hard........losing the older one as my baby.......losing that close close connection. I still nursed him....but it wasn't the same.
Well time for bed........the moon keeps moving on me.........can't see it anymore unless I go to the next room....
And what about all those wonderful books on raw foods I got for my birthday??? Yes. That is the $64 Million Dollar Question. One that needs to be addressed. Now.
So....bon soir et bons reves.
ciao bellas!
Had a fairly decent day today foodwise.......still not great but I wasn't overeating or secretly eating chocolate bunnie grahams, peanut M&M's etc. like yesterday. I brought lemonade to work......didn't drink any of it til almost 3pm......did eat 1/2 of a Dagoba dark chocolate bar, 1 or 2 small peppermint 'lifesavers', but no bad snacks from the kitchen. Drank about 16-20 oz of raspberry blueberry lemonade, in the late afternoon, then came home, made burgers, tater tots and salad for dinner......didn't eat anything before dinner.....except for a couple of tater tots right before dinner....also made another rhubarb of the boys had a friend thought it would be a nice treat, as well as a good way to use up the extra cut up rhubarb that was sitting in the fridge. Put 6 cups of rhubarb in the pie, so had to double the sugar 'custard', made the crust with sunflower oil, but added about 3 tbsp of butter to it also....the crust turned out well, the 'custard' either was still too warm when I cut the pie, as it was a bit runny, or it needed to be baked a bit longer. I did bake it for over an hour.....I think it was just too warm. The sugar 'custard' gathered at the bottom, creating areas that were way too sweet, but overall the pie was very good...will have to think how to make it work out better next time. I like having a very full pie, with the extra 'fruit' in great to double up the fruit in apple and cherry pies, but with rhubarb it's a bit trickier.
So had a burger, a few tater tots, a decent bit of mixed greens salad, a slice of pie with some vanilla ice cream...and that was it for today. That and the chocolate...but still, not happy with myself. This is not 'bad' eating for 'sad' eating, but it is not what I want to do...and I was doing so well, and now have pretty much lost all progress made. Silly silly me. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Good things. Green things, liquid things, raw things.
Up late tonight, it's after midnight, wanting to enjoy the full moon before it's too far gone, up because of sugar and chocolate......the night owl. I down loaded some new tiger pictures at work today, I love tigers. Esp. bengal tigers.......they look so cool......found some really great now have a new background on my computer at work, and new photos to add to emails.
I have been reading a few books..."The Future of Food" or "The End of Food"....anyways...a real eye opener and something that motivates me to work on our garden and compost as the world is so messed up in regards to food production, water usage, etc. and it is only going to get worse. I didn't realize that before the 1900's many countries went through regular periods of mass stavation and deaths, and that the average lifespan was maybe 40 years, the average height was barely 5 ft, average weight 134 pounds....for a man. And that many people were so weak from hunger they couldn't do anything. Not even go for a walk. Populations would outgrow food supply......and when food supply increased, population did also, so food supply levels were actually the same or worse. many factors needed for a successful many ways it could fail. Also lack of meat, and variety of foods made for poor health. I remember when my oldest son was born, my first, I went to Steve Gaskin's farm in Tennessee....where Ina Mae Gaskin lived.......and the source for the book "Spiritual Midwifery" which was my pregnancy bible. I loved reading all the stories in there, the wealth of information there was on pregancy and childbirth.....and I wrote and got permission to come there to have my baby.
It was early spring....March, when I arrived, 6 weeks before my due date, and I was very surprised at how little they had to eat. No fresh veggies, except maybe some kale and sweet potatoes that had overwintered, no broccoli, lettuce, carrots, celery.....nothing like that. No apples, bananas, oranges, nothing, no peanut butter.........their flour was white flour as it was less expensive, and they had some bran you could mix back in..... I bought some groceries for myself from town as I couldn't get by on what little they had ( and needed to carry my own weight)...and I was shocked that they would eat white flour, and white sugar, that their big treat was to get together enough ingredients to make brownies. In retrospect I understand it all, but at the time I guess I was expecting a type of utopia. Found reality instead.
Great place to have a baby.......they were great....I am glad I went there....after that I thought I would just have my next baby by myself, under a tree......outdoors. Didn't quite happen that way (I had high blood pressure, a bit of pre-eclampsia, so birth was in a hospital) but I had my husband with me 24/7 while I was there, and we didn't let our baby out of our sight, so they didn't get to give him a Vit K shot (he didn't need one) or a Hep B vacination shot (what an awful thing to do to a newborn....) or anything like that. They didn't get to whisk him away in the middle of the night, my husband carried him when they wanted to check his vitals, and we kept him with us. When we got home, I bathed him in filtered water....couldn't stand the thought of bathing him in tap water.........that lasted for several months....til he was too big to fit in his baby bath tub. Used Weleda Calendula Cream on his bottom the entire time he wore his duck butt cloth diapers....I say duck butt as they were so bulky that's what it looked like.....a duck butt...and he was a wetter.......needed 3 diapers on with 2 pairs of plastic pants at night. But the calendula cream, which had a wonderful floral smell, kept his bottom soft and smooth and free of irriation.......awesome stuff. last baby was born at a birthing center, with only the he came too quickly for her assistant to arrive.........almost was born in the car......less than 1 hour from first sign of labor (my water broke) to his arrival. That was short, and intense...mostly fine, but we did miss having more time to emotionally integrate it all. Felt like we missed most of that movie. lol. But he was/is a sweet happy boy...22 months younger than his brother.....and that was also a bit hard........losing the older one as my baby.......losing that close close connection. I still nursed him....but it wasn't the same.
Well time for bed........the moon keeps moving on me.........can't see it anymore unless I go to the next room....
And what about all those wonderful books on raw foods I got for my birthday??? Yes. That is the $64 Million Dollar Question. One that needs to be addressed. Now.
So....bon soir et bons reves.
ciao bellas!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Um...Chocolate...Fruit Lemonade.....Hmmm
I said once before that I was going to get Angela's book Raw Emotions, but I didn't do it. I really should. Having fallen off of the juice wagon I am finding it hard to get back on. Yesterday I ate saltine crackers, chocolate, nuts, rice crispy bars (EnviroKids somewhat 'natural' ones), wasted the wonderful juice I made, and today, I made a lemonade with raspberry juice and blueberry juice in addition to the lemon juice, and I've only had a little. Instead, I have had a bit of mixed roasted nuts, 2 rice krispy bars, chocolate...and smatterings of other things. I do need to drink more of my lemonade....but this is not balanced or healthy.....what am I going to do tomorrow? A green drink I think.....did take my fiber drink today....but I am definitely in the acting out zone....eating very schizophrenically....obsessed with the numbers on the scales.....but they aren't going to reliably go down if I don't eat properly. If I don't juice properly. I can do it. I can....but why don't I? This actually makes me mad..that I am not doing it. Eating/juicing properly is easy. And healthy and good. No reason in the world to not do it. So...from now on...enough with the acting out. Instead, I am going to act in. Do what I know I want to do, what I know I can do. Wasting my time and money is what I am doing...silly of me. I know what I want. And what I don't want. No reason in the world not to have it.
So...that's it. My confession and pep talk for the day.
Need to write up some goals....what I am striving for.
Bought some new shoes today, sandals to be exact. With a bit of a wedge heal...BCBG black old ones are ripping out on the side...also bought a salad spinner, and epil machine to take care of all the stray hairs here and there (including my legs...I wear these leggings all winter which have pretty much gotten rid of most of the hair on my legs, so it is easy to just epil off the rest....but my legs. sigh. spider veins, fat ankles, peasant feet, cracked heels (even though I keep trying to fix them) allergic red spots near the ankles...almost gone...but still around....fat least my legs are long so they aren't as bad as they could be. My sister is 5 inches shorter than me and her calves are the same size as mine....) and they are pale. My face and arms have seen lots of sun so are nicely tanned....but my legs...hah. And I'd use some tanning lotion (I have several) but I am worried I'd be allergic to it...seem to be more allergic now just need more sun! I am not afraid of the sun. It is good for skin doesn't mind it....and I do use a bit of sun screen when I need to....only SPF 4...which I know has some of you in horrors.....but my skin can take the sun...and SPF 50 doesn't let you know when you've had too much prevents sun burn, but not skin cancer...doesn't lessen the internal damage. At least with SPF 4 you have a more true idea of how much sun you are getting. I have also discovered that if you wash off your skin after a day in the sun you are much less likely to burn, turn red. I think much of the 'burning' is caused by the salt sitting on your skin when it's vulnerable.
I also bought a pepper grinder, and an alarm clock. Finally found one that I like...small...a Timex travel alarm. From Bed, Bath & Beyond. anyhoo.......enough of this silly stuff. Reading a great book on year round gardening with cold frames....getting ready to start a compost pile......and hope to expand our garden next year. And grow lots and lots of all kinds of things. The book is called...Four-Season Harvest by Eliot's great! Very practical...not fancy, hi-tech etc.
Can't wait to get started.
Ciao bellas!
So...that's it. My confession and pep talk for the day.
Need to write up some goals....what I am striving for.
Bought some new shoes today, sandals to be exact. With a bit of a wedge heal...BCBG black old ones are ripping out on the side...also bought a salad spinner, and epil machine to take care of all the stray hairs here and there (including my legs...I wear these leggings all winter which have pretty much gotten rid of most of the hair on my legs, so it is easy to just epil off the rest....but my legs. sigh. spider veins, fat ankles, peasant feet, cracked heels (even though I keep trying to fix them) allergic red spots near the ankles...almost gone...but still around....fat least my legs are long so they aren't as bad as they could be. My sister is 5 inches shorter than me and her calves are the same size as mine....) and they are pale. My face and arms have seen lots of sun so are nicely tanned....but my legs...hah. And I'd use some tanning lotion (I have several) but I am worried I'd be allergic to it...seem to be more allergic now just need more sun! I am not afraid of the sun. It is good for skin doesn't mind it....and I do use a bit of sun screen when I need to....only SPF 4...which I know has some of you in horrors.....but my skin can take the sun...and SPF 50 doesn't let you know when you've had too much prevents sun burn, but not skin cancer...doesn't lessen the internal damage. At least with SPF 4 you have a more true idea of how much sun you are getting. I have also discovered that if you wash off your skin after a day in the sun you are much less likely to burn, turn red. I think much of the 'burning' is caused by the salt sitting on your skin when it's vulnerable.
I also bought a pepper grinder, and an alarm clock. Finally found one that I like...small...a Timex travel alarm. From Bed, Bath & Beyond. anyhoo.......enough of this silly stuff. Reading a great book on year round gardening with cold frames....getting ready to start a compost pile......and hope to expand our garden next year. And grow lots and lots of all kinds of things. The book is called...Four-Season Harvest by Eliot's great! Very practical...not fancy, hi-tech etc.
Can't wait to get started.
Ciao bellas!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Frolicking In The Ravine
Ah.....taking a hiatus from juicing.....and enjoying having company and all the perks that brings. I made shish kebobs for us on Thursday evening. Friday was pita pizzas with my favorite goat cheese, pepperjack cheese, salsa diablo along with a bit of pasta sauce (Bertolli's), sauteed mushrooms, fresh poblano pepper sliced on my mandoline, marinated artichoke hearts, yummy kalamata olives, fresh basil from our garden all topped with thinly sliced fresh onion. Had 1 1/2 of those along with 1/2 bottle of Sophia Coppola's blanc de blanc champagne. Twas delightful. And oh! The store had organic berries on sale....packets of raspberries for $1 each, and blackberries and strawberries...all organic all on sale. Bought tons.
Saturday evening we went out to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner. I had a salad nicoise that had some lovely asparagus spears, yummy sheep's feta, thinly sliced cucumber ribbons, artichoke heart, olives, yummy grilled salmon, cherry tomato....on a bed of arugula with a balsamic vinaigrette. It was wonderful.
For appetizers we had salmon toasts (with a fancy name) and bay scallop ceviche. Along with 2 glasses of a Spanish champagne, and a lovely black forest mousse cake that was light and delicious for dessert. I wasn't going to eat it all....but it was so light and yummy I just did. After dinner we walked around downtown and I felt like I was in this very open loving space and the evening was just wonderful. Felt very connected with humanity....with everyone out there...and there were some awesome drummers on the mall....the kind that stir my soul and bring tears to my I remember......I remember......
Sunday we had a yummy brunch...I made scrambled eggs with parmesiano reggiano cheese grated in, some wonderful oat scones with currants and orange zest.....we had a little bowl of berries each....raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. And bagels and cream cheese and lox. I didn't have the bagels etc. but did enjoy the eggs, scones and berries.
Then we went for a nice long bike ride, and came back later in the afternoon to put up a trellis for our grape vine...and dinner is pesto with salad from these wonderful lettuces we got at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, with a truly yummy rhubarb custard pie that I made last night from my mother's recipe, with some Hagan Das Vanilla Bean ice cream.
And tomorrow it's back to juice feasting. But I love food...and this has been a most delightful, delicious weekend of food.....and such wonderful food and company it's been! So while I do despair of the couple of pounds that have come back to join me, I don't regret it one bit. It's been grand! And also also also...fresh cherries!!!!
Saturday evening we went out to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner. I had a salad nicoise that had some lovely asparagus spears, yummy sheep's feta, thinly sliced cucumber ribbons, artichoke heart, olives, yummy grilled salmon, cherry tomato....on a bed of arugula with a balsamic vinaigrette. It was wonderful.
For appetizers we had salmon toasts (with a fancy name) and bay scallop ceviche. Along with 2 glasses of a Spanish champagne, and a lovely black forest mousse cake that was light and delicious for dessert. I wasn't going to eat it all....but it was so light and yummy I just did. After dinner we walked around downtown and I felt like I was in this very open loving space and the evening was just wonderful. Felt very connected with humanity....with everyone out there...and there were some awesome drummers on the mall....the kind that stir my soul and bring tears to my I remember......I remember......
Sunday we had a yummy brunch...I made scrambled eggs with parmesiano reggiano cheese grated in, some wonderful oat scones with currants and orange zest.....we had a little bowl of berries each....raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. And bagels and cream cheese and lox. I didn't have the bagels etc. but did enjoy the eggs, scones and berries.
Then we went for a nice long bike ride, and came back later in the afternoon to put up a trellis for our grape vine...and dinner is pesto with salad from these wonderful lettuces we got at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, with a truly yummy rhubarb custard pie that I made last night from my mother's recipe, with some Hagan Das Vanilla Bean ice cream.
And tomorrow it's back to juice feasting. But I love food...and this has been a most delightful, delicious weekend of food.....and such wonderful food and company it's been! So while I do despair of the couple of pounds that have come back to join me, I don't regret it one bit. It's been grand! And also also also...fresh cherries!!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Looking Up From The Ravine
OK, surprise surprise surprise. I fell off the juice feast. Yesterday I felt the need for some chocolate, so had 2 dark chocolate mini snickers, then 2 or 3 or 4 mocha chocolates (some fancy chocolates someone had brought in to the office....) and then later on at home had good food. I had salad, and a fresh blueberry with kefir smoothie, then made my birthday dinner again (chicken shish kebobs) as we have company....along with a yummy salad of mixed greens, broccoli, carrots and tomatoes, some potato "salad" which consisted of cooked baby yukon gold potatoes cut up and covered with Seeds of Change Greek Feta Dressing and some fresh chives from the garden. I made myself 2 vegetable shish kebobs, but I tell you, once I started eating, I ate....and even had at least 1 chicken shish kebob. And several small handfuls of Annie's Chocolate Bunnie Grahams. And a small packet of granola that I got at the Creek Festival. And finished off the whipped cream can. And woke up this morning dreading the scales...and hadn't even gained a pound.
So, I know this totally flies in the face of what I said I was going to do.....but it is typical behavior for me. Today, I woke up, had 3 oil of oregano capsules, then came to work. Ate some organic cracked wheat, flax crackers, and an EnviroKids chocolate rice crispy bar. But also brought the leftover salad from last night.
Will try and eat lightly today, and high raw. But if we end up where I'd like to end up for dinner, I am going to be having at least 1 glass of champagne. But champagne is raw right? lol
So....going to be as good as I can this weekend while company is here, and not gain any weight...
we are going to be doing some bike riding....
and then I will get back onto the juice wagon on Monday. I like it, it is working for me, but if I can only do short juice feasts, that is way better than none at all. And I do want to be 100% raw, but I may have to work up to it. I am looking at food now, going, I can make a raw version of that...and hopefully I will. I do plan on making my family some raw dinners....they won't mind as long as they like the taste (what's not to like?) and feel satisfied.
Easy enough to do. So that is today's post.....probably the last til Monday.
Ciao bellas!
So, I know this totally flies in the face of what I said I was going to do.....but it is typical behavior for me. Today, I woke up, had 3 oil of oregano capsules, then came to work. Ate some organic cracked wheat, flax crackers, and an EnviroKids chocolate rice crispy bar. But also brought the leftover salad from last night.
Will try and eat lightly today, and high raw. But if we end up where I'd like to end up for dinner, I am going to be having at least 1 glass of champagne. But champagne is raw right? lol
So....going to be as good as I can this weekend while company is here, and not gain any weight...
we are going to be doing some bike riding....
and then I will get back onto the juice wagon on Monday. I like it, it is working for me, but if I can only do short juice feasts, that is way better than none at all. And I do want to be 100% raw, but I may have to work up to it. I am looking at food now, going, I can make a raw version of that...and hopefully I will. I do plan on making my family some raw dinners....they won't mind as long as they like the taste (what's not to like?) and feel satisfied.
Easy enough to do. So that is today's post.....probably the last til Monday.
Ciao bellas!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A Stumble in the Boredom Phase
I violated one of the cardinal rules of juice feasting today....not really my fault, but the choice I made wasn't absolutely necessary, it was just facilitated by being hungry. I was out afterwork, til nearly 7 pm. Normally I am home by 5. I had been out of juice for at least 3 got quite hungry. We were buying Dakota a new bike, plus I got mine fixed. Came home, made dinner, had some lemonade drink already made....but that fruit tart that I bought to celebrate my birthday with was calling my I had a piece. Could be worse, but I am feeling it. It is making me tired.....and I will have to fight off stronger desires to eat for a while. But I will do it. This will be just a hiccup in my juice feast. I can do it and I will. I did sign up for the support from Juice Feasting website and joined one of the Global Juice Feasting forums. (the Summer Juice Feasters).
So that should help....but ultimately it's all up to me. My green juice today was good, and my lemonade drink was as well...I diluted it majorly. It was way too strong. And took some oregano oil capsules and some Primal Defense tablets to help bring down my candida levels (esp since I had that fruit tart) Dreaming of making a raw one...
So, I am most definitely in the Boredom phase, and I need to try get past it successfully. I was down a pound when I woke up this morning, but I imagine I will have gained a little tomorrow. Tomorrow is Master Cleanse day as is Friday. Easy days. Well, fellow juice feasters, onward and upward. And all encouragements etc. are most welcome!
Ciao bellas!
Today I had
Double fiber drink (Dr. Natura's Colonix Fiber mixed with Blessed Herbs Ginger Toxin Absorber in 16 oz of water with stevia)
2 quarts of green juice....parsley, dandelion greens, kale, broccoli, carrots, apples, oranges. Forgot I have fresh spinach to juice.
1/8th of a fruit was good, but my husband was funny, he said he didn't think it was all that good, and that I haven't been eating for so long, that even burnt toast would taste good. And he told me that I am now on day zero...not day 12...but he is wrong on both counts.
1 quart blueberry nectarine, orange lime lemonade with maple syrup and raw honey with bee pollen and royal jelly in it...diluted quite a bit...(it needed to be....)
2 Gaia Oregano oil capsules
6 Primal Defense
So that should help....but ultimately it's all up to me. My green juice today was good, and my lemonade drink was as well...I diluted it majorly. It was way too strong. And took some oregano oil capsules and some Primal Defense tablets to help bring down my candida levels (esp since I had that fruit tart) Dreaming of making a raw one...
So, I am most definitely in the Boredom phase, and I need to try get past it successfully. I was down a pound when I woke up this morning, but I imagine I will have gained a little tomorrow. Tomorrow is Master Cleanse day as is Friday. Easy days. Well, fellow juice feasters, onward and upward. And all encouragements etc. are most welcome!
Ciao bellas!
Today I had
Double fiber drink (Dr. Natura's Colonix Fiber mixed with Blessed Herbs Ginger Toxin Absorber in 16 oz of water with stevia)
2 quarts of green juice....parsley, dandelion greens, kale, broccoli, carrots, apples, oranges. Forgot I have fresh spinach to juice.
1/8th of a fruit was good, but my husband was funny, he said he didn't think it was all that good, and that I haven't been eating for so long, that even burnt toast would taste good. And he told me that I am now on day zero...not day 12...but he is wrong on both counts.
1 quart blueberry nectarine, orange lime lemonade with maple syrup and raw honey with bee pollen and royal jelly in it...diluted quite a bit...(it needed to be....)
2 Gaia Oregano oil capsules
6 Primal Defense
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Today is my birthday....joyous day
Today is my birthday, and a good day it has been. Got to do the snack shopping for our office, and I really enjoy doing that....get to fill a whole grocery cart with granola bars, cereal bars, nuts, chips, crackers, non-perishables for the most part. I try and buy healthy, organic snacks when I can, but I also do buy a fair bit of candy and of course, soda. But it's even fun buying the candy. I buy large bags of peanut m&m's, mini-snickers, assorted tootsie rolls, tootsie roll pops, dots, starbursts, assorted mini candy bars, and gum. My total with coupons and store discounts was $299.17. Lovely that. 17 is my favorite number. I saved $66.16 with coupons etc. Good job. The only little glitch was that I left the large box of coke sitting in front of the elevator door, holding it open, and the mailman had to walk up to the third floor. He didn't much fancy that, but it wasn't really that bad.
My day started out well, I woke up earlier, made a wonderful green juice with all kinds of different greens in it, almost forgot the had 2 quarts of that, and for my evening lemon fruit juice, I juiced some blueberries and nectarines, and added that (strained several times) to a mixture of lime, lemon and orange juice along with the maple syrup and raw honey.
I made a birthday dinner for my family, marinating chunks of chicken breast in lime juice, and Annie's (formerly Consorzio's) Teriyaki Sauce, and put them on skewers with onions, mini bell peppers, and tomatoes...all coated in olive oil with pepper added.
Then I heated the oven to 500 degrees, propped the skewers over my lasagne pan, and roasted them for 10 minutes. They turned out wonderfully, but I should have put some foil in the bottom of the's quite a mess. I also cooked up some small yukon gold potatoes, cut them up, and while still warm added some Seeds of Change Greek Feta dressing... for dessert I bought a yummy looking fruit tart from WF...and that is dinner. I of course, am not having any, but I do enjoy everyone else enjoying my birthday dinner.
Now, I am off to take a walk, then we will come back and have dessert with candles even, I am 53 today, was happy when a co-worker thought I was in my late 40's.
So gotta go call my mom, it's her birthday as well. She is....81!! Happy Birthday Mom.
I sent her this cool purple orchid in a zen style arrangement. And yes, my books. Don't have them yet, but will soon.
My day started out well, I woke up earlier, made a wonderful green juice with all kinds of different greens in it, almost forgot the had 2 quarts of that, and for my evening lemon fruit juice, I juiced some blueberries and nectarines, and added that (strained several times) to a mixture of lime, lemon and orange juice along with the maple syrup and raw honey.
I made a birthday dinner for my family, marinating chunks of chicken breast in lime juice, and Annie's (formerly Consorzio's) Teriyaki Sauce, and put them on skewers with onions, mini bell peppers, and tomatoes...all coated in olive oil with pepper added.
Then I heated the oven to 500 degrees, propped the skewers over my lasagne pan, and roasted them for 10 minutes. They turned out wonderfully, but I should have put some foil in the bottom of the's quite a mess. I also cooked up some small yukon gold potatoes, cut them up, and while still warm added some Seeds of Change Greek Feta dressing... for dessert I bought a yummy looking fruit tart from WF...and that is dinner. I of course, am not having any, but I do enjoy everyone else enjoying my birthday dinner.
Now, I am off to take a walk, then we will come back and have dessert with candles even, I am 53 today, was happy when a co-worker thought I was in my late 40's.
So gotta go call my mom, it's her birthday as well. She is....81!! Happy Birthday Mom.
I sent her this cool purple orchid in a zen style arrangement. And yes, my books. Don't have them yet, but will soon.
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